fAce dA MuSIc...
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008
What a day...!!
eF swear she won't buy another white shoes..
it's so hard to clean them, you know...!!
she mean, she will buy another one, if she is not in Bandung anymore. Or she will buy the new one but won't wear it in Bandung. Bandung is really a rain city. It's rain almost everyday..!! It makes her shoes dirty, thnx to the mud..!!
One day, she decided to clean her white shoes.
Whoa... it's really a hard work..
eF really shocked, after she finished.
she had forgot how white her shoes was..
oh,, one more,,
she won't buy strap shoes anymore,,
she doesn't care even if her friend said that her shoes like 'kindergarten's shoes'
After cleaned her shoes,, eF decided to make a delicious food for herself..
So, she made spaghetti..
hmm... it's so yummy...!!
eF swear she won't buy another white shoes..
it's so hard to clean them, you know...!!
she mean, she will buy another one, if she is not in Bandung anymore. Or she will buy the new one but won't wear it in Bandung. Bandung is really a rain city. It's rain almost everyday..!! It makes her shoes dirty, thnx to the mud..!!
One day, she decided to clean her white shoes.
Whoa... it's really a hard work..
eF really shocked, after she finished.
she had forgot how white her shoes was..
oh,, one more,,
she won't buy strap shoes anymore,,
she doesn't care even if her friend said that her shoes like 'kindergarten's shoes'
After cleaned her shoes,, eF decided to make a delicious food for herself..
So, she made spaghetti..
hmm... it's so yummy...!!
Label: shoes
posted by ^o^ at 13.50

wahhh fet,, bener bgt!!
sepatu baruku yang putih,, sekarang udah kumel gara2 terjebak di lumpur waktu itu.... ga bisa bersih... huhuhuhuhu
hwahaha.... eF, g usah d Bandung,,,, percuma, kl plg jg ntar kn lumpurny si Lapindo ^^
Mia skrg namax b'ubah yah..^^
huhhu,, smpai cape' aq nyuci tuh..
tp trz dg bodohnya aq beli spatu putih lg..!!=__=''
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